Monday, February 17, 2014

Our Snow pictures

Here in South Carolina we usually don't get to see a whole lot of snow. Maybe a dusting here or an inch there so when we do get a good bit we enjoy it while we can cause who knows when we'll see more than an inch again.
Here are some pictures that my brother, Daniel took. We have struggled in the past to get good snow pictures, but this time I think he got some good ones.

Here's some from a few weeks ago.

And these are from last week. The first day, the snow on the ground kept melting but the trees were gorgeous.

Day 2

Day 3

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Birthday Cards and Teddy Bear Baby Banner

Sorry I didn't post last week. I had every intention on blogging but I got real busy and then I couldn't find my pictures so I just decided to take a week off.
Here's the two cards that I was going to post last week.

This one was for one of the ladies in our church

Here is the other baby banner I kept promising and the card to match

Another birthday card

Here's some new items from creationsbyjessi