Tuesday, April 8, 2014

New Baby Banners and Toddler Dresses

I know you have already heard me say this but sorry it's been so long since I blogged. I have been super busy since last month. I've missed blogging weekly and I haven't been able to make and list items as much as I would have liked either. 
Now just because I am busy doesn't mean my shop is lacking. Though looking at my shop inventory it doesn't look it but March was a big month for me. I ended the month with 10 most of which were baby banners and over $100 in revenue. That's 4 sales more than March 2013 and $84 more in revenue.

Here is some new items. 

Purple Polka Dot Butterfly Banner

It's A Girl Banner

Both banners were custom but the Butterfly banner was a customer's creation. ( I personally would not have used that much purple but that was what she wanted and was quite pleased with the finished product. )

Here's some new items from creationsbyjessi

(Except for the extra pink, this was also a customer's creation.)

Well that is all; hopefully I can get back to listing more items. 
Have a great rest of the week!