Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year 2014

I cannot believe that we are already at another new year. It seems like it was just yesterday when I posted in the CAST (Christian Artists Street Team) thread on Etsy my goals for 2013 and now it's time to post my 2014 goals.

2014 Goals for KraftieKidz
- Double what I made in 2013
- Write my about page
- Have about 240 items listed by my birthday (April 21) and 300 or more by the end of the year
- Have a bigger inventory of birthday, mother's day, father's day, christmas, valentine's day, and graduation cards than I did in 2013
- Add wedding, and baby cards
- Add more colors and themes to die cut sets
- Add gift card holders, magnets, clothes pins, and paper clips

Other Goals
- Make and list more jewelry in our other shop
- Learn how to sew simple items
- Make birthday cards for all the little kids in church
- Blog more

I may not get to do everything this year and some goals are even pretty high. But I love challenging myself; it's helps me come up with creative ways to become better. 

So what are your goals for 2014. I would love to read them.

I'll leave you with some photos from 2013.

Happy New Year everyone!


  1. It's always good to aim high. You remember the bible story of the men who the Lord gave the talents to - He was very pleased with the ones who invested (took risks) and trusted Him for growth. And He was not pleased at all with the one who buried the talent and only gave back what was given him.

    1. I had forgotten about that story. Thanks Rita for the reminder.

  2. I love that you aim high Jessi! And I have no doubt that you will be surprised that this time next year you will end up meeting most of these goals! Thank you for sharing your pictures from 2013 . . .I love seeing what my castteam friends are up to! :)
